Bet in the adoption!

Michelle and John

Bet in the adoption!

If you go to a casino, you must be prepared to win or to lose and it can mean thousands of Dollars. Why do, when you are looking for adopt a pet, you ask for perfection, with no risks?

All the stray-lives, keeps out some marks of the suffering, at the body and at the soul, because, of course, every living being left at a cold catwalk, eating garbage, bring some traumas. Do not be surprised, even YOU could have the same marks, if has lived at the streets, if you does not had the luck to have a warm home to sleep. 

Ask to the animal if it wants you as a friend!

Many people (exactly the same whose need more to learn with an animal) prefer loneliness, to hide its egotism. Is better to be insulated, than learn to share. Is the kind of person who does not have even a vase of plant to care and, certainly, is able to abort a son or forget a parent in an institution.

A practice advice for those who think a pet as a trouble at home: plant something in a vase, could be a simple grain of bean and care of the seed, until it turns in a nice plant. While it rises up, make a good cleaning, in your house and your mind, look at the beautiful spectacle of life.

Do not worry about lost things or opportunities. This way, you will be rising up as a person and preparing your home to receive a paw angel, three or four, accept the friend prepared by God to you, even blind or handicapped.

Spiritually, all the animals are perfect
and arrive at your life to add something!

Accept you furry present, the same way it accepts you, with unconditional Love, and one will help other to accomplish the punition at this planet, destructed by HUMANS, with its ignorance and exigency of perfection.